Adventures in Fitness, Aspie Problems

Aspie problems: Fixation and the Council of Megan

Lately, in between books, I've been reading this book about Enneagram theory. What is this Enneagram thing I speak of? Well, from what I've read so far, it's the theory that one way our personality manifests is in our experience with fundamental needs that we didn't develop a healthy relationship with growing up. This has,… Continue reading Aspie problems: Fixation and the Council of Megan

Aspie Problems

Aspie Problems: Fashion and Beauty Standards

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen on the set of a movie I wasn't allowed to watch. These types of jeans. One of the lasting memories I have of my childhood is of my mom putting me in jeans at some point. The straight leg ones made from thick stiff material that are all the sudden back in… Continue reading Aspie Problems: Fashion and Beauty Standards

Aspie Problems

The Adventures in Aspie Motherhood 3: Potty Training

In case you didn't know, Potty training a 3 year old who can't sit still... is hard. Add on soothing a crawling, teething 9 month old, and trying to grapple all the other trying trials going on in our little life at the moment ... makes it worse. But potty training my oldest, Sweets (not… Continue reading The Adventures in Aspie Motherhood 3: Potty Training

Aspie Problems

Aspie Problems: Of Minds Like Legal Contracts

Over the years, I have learned a lot about myself in my effort to grow as a person. I've tried to wade through aspects of myself with some sense that I know what I'm doing but, some of these things just so happen to be what has dubbed me "Autistic" in the first place. Luckily,… Continue reading Aspie Problems: Of Minds Like Legal Contracts

Aspie Problems

Pain Poker Face

The past few weeks, I've been recovering from delivering my second child. I had hoped to have a short Christmas themed story finished by today, but with all that has happened this past month, it has been hard to focus on other things. The birthday couldn't have come at a worse most inopportune time, however… Continue reading Pain Poker Face

Aspie Problems

Aspies and The Work Place

This past week, a video clip has been circulating and being talked about with the various people I watch on YouTube. The clip itself doesn't matter in the long run. It will be forgotten in another month or so as we move on to another internet outrage. But to sum up the video for context,… Continue reading Aspies and The Work Place

Aspie Problems

Social Stuttering: The Art of Asking

One of the things that I used to do a lot when I was single was binge watch a bunch of movie trailers. While it was partly out of curiosity about certain movies that I might want to see, it was also partly to fill a hobby of mine of watching random movies that I… Continue reading Social Stuttering: The Art of Asking

Aspie Problems

An Aspie’s Battle With New York Fast Talkers and Southern Hospitality

Last week, in one of my regular YouTube browsing sessions, I was binge watching a specific well known YouTube channel. Although this isn't a regular channel that's in my normal watching cycle, it's a channel that I was already familiar with and most of the video's I was watching were things I had already watched… Continue reading An Aspie’s Battle With New York Fast Talkers and Southern Hospitality

Aspie Problems

Unmasking: An Aspie’s Comments on Masking

The other day, I was browsing the internet in search of something to listen to. I think I've mentioned this habit before, but this usually takes the form of browsing random YouTube videos as often times, I like watching and listening to other people talk. I'm not sure whether to be a bit disturbed by… Continue reading Unmasking: An Aspie’s Comments on Masking